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Custom Leatherwork

I am happy to create a one of a kind custom leather item. Whether its hand tooled, laser engraved, hand or machine sewed, all my work is done to a high quality both in material and workmanship. More hours go in to each piece than you could possibly imagine.

Custom Laser Engraving

Laser engraving is such a magical process and normally very expensive. I have invested thousands of dollars into an engraver that produces incredible results in a small shop environment and find a lot of joy in finding new ways to be creative with this tool. 

Laser Engraving vs Laser Cutting

Laser engraving the removal or engraving of material whether it be wood, leather, acrylic, etc. It's effective to engrave either the foreground or background of an image, logo, etc.


Laser cutting is equally effective and typically entails the cutting all the way through the depth of material. This is the method you would typically use to create either a stencil or template. It can also be interesting to cut only partially through material particularly when using a masking agent to create a desired result.

Sewing and Leather Repair

I am fortunate enough to have one of the finest sewing industrial sewing machines available. The Cobra Class 4 by Leather Machine Company is extreme powerful and able to sew through approximately 1 inch of vegetable tanned leather. It is also ideal for a host of other materials including a variety of leather, wool, canvas, nylon, etc. If you need anything sewed that a residential machine cannot handle this maybe the ideal opportunity to have a job done.

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